June 11, 2008

Wedding News...

I wanted to wait until it got a little closer to announce it, but I'll soon be the proud husband to my fiancee of almost three years. August 9th is the date, it's getting closer and closer, I can't wait. There's always so much planning to do, as far as weddings go, but isn't it all worth it to spend the rest of your life with the one person who means the world to you.
I know I haven't always been the most romantic guy, or the greates listener, I know how unbelievably lucky I am to have found the woman who loves me just as much as I love her, the woman who really understand me, the woman whose eyes blow me away.
To all you married or engaged couples out there, I send out my blessings and hope you send the same back to me. It's worth everything you put in to it, just remember just because it's not always easy, I think it's the thing most worth it.


  1. I am going to be at that wedding to ring your neck because I still dont have pictures of Gabriel yet. I'm going CRAZY here. Emailing doesnt take as long as a blog does. Your'e killing your one and only big sister here.

  2. I promise this is a better post.

    I loved this thought. I know how it is to be with the one you love. Even though Louis can be a pain in the butt, not just to my family at times but he is a really loving man with a good sense of humor. He even tells me he loves me every night & every day.

    I cant wait to share the moment with you guys on August 9th & I cant wait to have Bree as my Sister-In-Law. I cant wait to start calling you a family for real.

    I love you and miss you guys very very much.

    Your Big Sister,

  3. JoJo, you're so right! it's getting closer quickly, but it's so worth it. you are very lucky to have a woman like Bree and she's lucky to have you. and i'm lucky to have both my kids happy. i'm also lucky to have four grandkids. they're all so unique and special in their own ways and i love all of you. Love, MooMoo
